Tuesday, July 26

obsessed with oldies.

I get into these moods where I listen to nothing but oldies for a week solid. And its usually only 10 songs at most. over and over. my family is probably going nuts, but I love it. :3

Friday, June 17

Miss Bonsteel

I could do this. right? right. easy cheese. Wanna learn to draw crap? I'm the boss.

so I'm not in school right now but I still want to get practice teaching. i don't feel like I know enough yet to teach people to sing but this is something I've been doing forever. (Not specifically the caricature thing but I picked that up in a day so it can't be that hard right?) I've always enjoyed drawing cartoons and it's something I do fast and consistently. I also figure that it will be much easier to teach someone how to draw cartoons than to draw actual portraits. (which are actually more fun in my opinion but only once you actually think you're good at it... that takes a while)

So I don't really think cartoons are crap or even terribly easy to draw but I think they are forgiving enough for people to feel more success in if they are just learning. I'm wanted to teach mostly kids or people my age I think. I actually got the idea because my sister and cousin want me to teach them stuff quite a bit.

So yeah... trying to work on some lesson plans... it's a lot harder then I want it to be... boo. :)

Saturday, May 7

incurably shy

I have to think things out. I'm really good at thinking about talking, or writing out what I want to say.  ...but for some reason I can't say anything right then. I wanted to talk to you more then anyone else there and had all day long to do it. Then I barely said a thing.

oh well. hopefully some day I'll be better at this.

Tuesday, April 5

one way or another.

It's sad that that I go from studious to indecisive so quickly lately.

About a month ago I decided that it was really time to buckle down and work hard at getting something accomplished in my life. It's been great and I've been working very hard every week day as if this is a full time job. The only problem? That I can't seem to figure out what this is.

Week one this was working on developing a business idea.
Week two, this was working on developing my science fiction book
Week three, this was working on developing a business plan.
This week, this is working on drawing portraits regularly. more specifically, working on ridding myself of a habit and false idea that I can only draw well if I'm in "the right mood."

The good news is that I've made excellent progress in each of these areas. ...but here's hoping I can actually finish one...

Wednesday, March 30

so studious.

I am so proud of myself. for the last few weeks I've read more then I usually do in 6 months. maybe not that much but you get the idea. I have been studying and learning about a project that I'm working on. But last weekend I started to burn out. That's always been a problem for me. I burn out and never finish anything. I don't even like finishing games. I am so grateful for amazing friends who can get me back on track. And so thanks to one such friend, I am back at it and loving every bit.

One day I'll be able to do that myself. One day I'll be so dedicated that I'll be amazing. thank goodness that right now I have the help I need instead. :)

Tuesday, March 22

happily indecisive.

What you love is a sign from your higher self of what you are to do.

10 things I always wished I was good at:

Be a good singer so I wouldn't be embarrassed to sing to my kids.
Think like my dad so I could solve problems.
Drawing faces so I could give portraits to my friends.
Speak more clearly so that others could understand my ideas.
Improve my memory so I could remember everything others tell me.
Learn more about the things that interest my friends so that we have more in common.
Be more honest so that friends can know they can trust me.
Be more observant so I could help others more.
See the good in others so I could love others more.
See the good in myself so I could love others more. (and myself of course)

I will always think of these things as something I can still get better at. But, in an effort to keep working on that last one, I focus instead on all the things I've done already. I can always accomplish more with those talents I've gained, but even just writing this has helped me see all that I already can do, that before I couldn't.

3 Things I still want to do:

Write a best selling book.
Start my own company.
Enrich my community and others I visit.

I will do great things. just wait and see.

Saturday, March 19


 first of all, this is a super cute speed painting by famous-underwear (oh man) on DA.

Second of all, I'm completely obsessed with this movie! And I love Mandy Moore. :) I finally went to see Tangled this past week and it was the sweetest. thing. ever. and I totally cried at the end. I am not ashamed.

So I just bought the sound track and while I was at it, I felt like getting a coloring book. :) I love coloring. so yeah, I'm going to go color now. k bye.

nice guys.

Thank you nice policeman. Thank you for pulling me over to help me know that I did wrong. Thank you for being pleasant and kind. Thank you for not making me cry when I was scared out of my mind. Thank you for showing mercy to an idiot who drove too slow. Thank you for not noticing that my speedometer was broken. Thank you for recognizing that I'm not the kind of person who gets drunk. You're a good guy.

Friday, March 18


 The truth in you.

I seek the truth in you
The weak lie is not you
So speak up, yes you

The truth hurts but it works
The truth simplifies and dignifies
The truth sooths preserving your youth

I ask the truth of you
Cry now, take a tissue
So speak up, yes you

The truth signifies and modifies
The truth is within and the best way to begin
The truth is a good start especially for sweethearts

I need the truth of you
Simply choose your venue
So speak up, yes you

The truth to any degree
Is a starting point to be free
Just like one and two make three
So speak up, yes you
If you agree
                                             - Sylvia Chidi

Thursday, March 17

St. Patties Day.

20 favorite things that are green:

Pine trees
Broccoli and peas
Flesh cut grass - can it be spring for real yet?
Jello - NOT with carrots, that’s gross.
Apple flavored candy – always my favorite kind
The girl M&M
Crisp new dollar bills
Super fancy salads with everything on them and lameo ranch dressing – cuz it’s the best
Subway 5 dollar foot longs
Hippies – no wait, they kind of drive me nuts
Pistachio nuts
1-up mushrooms
“White” grapes – pretty sure they are green. The person who named them white is broken.
The little buds that are starting to show up on trees
My super cute peep toe wedges and very spring looking sun dress
Granny Smith apples

So, in summery, all st. patties means to me is that spring needs to be here already so I can eat it.
Wow. Learn something new everyday.

Wednesday, March 16

dirty hands.

Spring cleaning started unexpectedly in our home when my lovely brother told me that the tv was on fire. oh man. well, I don't know about fire but it did smell like melted wires.  Then for the next 8 hours we proceeded to move furniture and cords around that haven't been moved since I was like 6. It was a little gross. The vacuum may or may not have over heated 3 times.

While the initial idea of a broken tv and hours of cleaning didn't sound too fun, it quickly became a family project and we all spent the whole day together working and cleaning for fun. My mother thought it was something of a miracle.

There is also the fantastic bonus of an excuse to shop for a new tv! That, unfortunately, is not my job. I think I can leave that up to dad though. He's pretty good at that stuff. :)

Tuesday, March 15

tryin this.

Today I decided that since everyone else has a blog, and I so diligently and religiously stalk all of those blogs everyday, I really ought to have one of my own. But I have to say, I'm a little intimidated to try this. It seems that everyone's blog is either brilliant, super creative and original, hilarious, or all of those things combined and I just don't know if I can compete with that.

At this very moment all I'm just thinking about how grateful I am that this thing has a good spell checker so people don't think I'm a complete idiot. Yep. Here I am wanting to be profound and have something so thought provoking to say, and all I can think of is how nice it is that people won't ever know the full extent of my spelling fail.

So here's hoping that I can grow into this and somehow create a little blog for myself that's as interesting and insightful as all my favorite blogger friends seem to do so effortlessly.

Here's also hoping that I can learn not to be as long winded as I usually am... I think I did good on that one.